Before you hop on board with the latest facilities management software trends, keep in mind that investing in the best IWMS software doesn’t automatically mean your mission is complete. 2020 certainly presented facilities management organizations with more than their fair share of challenges. Equipped with the industry leading best-in-class IWMS Software, a healthy dose of creativity, and some innovating thinking, here are the top 10 ways AiM software users turned software features into software solutions in 2020.
1. Portland Community College
The recipient of the AssetWorld 2021 Innovation Award, has enjoyed the benefits of IWMS with an easy and efficient solution for field access to asset inventory. Read more about how PCC leveraged the features of facilities management software to save time, money, and to collect mission critical, real-time information about their property assets. Details are included in a post entitled, “Mission Possible: The Leap to Accurate, Timely Data.”
2. University of Virginia
UVA had a need to take Work Planning and Scheduling functionality to the next level for their 185 shops managing over 12,000,000 square-feet of campus facilities. Rather than developing a custom application, UVA and the AssetWorks Product team joined forces to design and implement - AiM Team Scheduler. This partnership created a true “win-win-win” situation. UVA got a fully productized and supported integrated product; one that met all their requirements. AssetWorks gained valuable insights and feedback from the partnership UVA, and delivered a fantastic solution tailored the needs of facilities organizations everywhere. Other Customers have quickly adopted the Team Scheduler and have benefitted from increased efficiency in their operations.
3. Western Washington University
Addressing the COVID-19 higher education challenges head-on, WWU is leveraging online engagement products such as ReADY Request and AiM Contact Types to create these COVID related solutions.
- Department Reopening Plans were submitted, routed, and approved using ReADY Request. Particularly useful were the ReADY Request commenting feature, versatility of files, and the intuitive experience that required virtually no training.
- COVID-19 Room Statuses were implemented with a simple AiM location attribute. This attribute was updated real-time by Building Services using Go Asset Management and made available on AiM WorkDesk or via auto emails.

- WACOM (Western’s Access COVID-19 Operations Management) solution, leveraged AiM to 1) track employees approved to be on campus and the spaces they are approved to occupy; 2) allow COVID-19 site supervisors to manage occupancy; 3) inform their voluntary testing program.
4. State of Alaska
A recipient of the AssetWorld 2021 Steve Deines Achievement award, has conquered its deferred maintenance backlog with a statewide strategy with their recent AiM Software deployment. The post entitled How the State of Alaska Tackles Statewide Deferred Maintenance,”describes their path forward.
5. City of Los Angeles
Between their Real Estate and Asset Services divisions, CoLA needed a system to not only manage building maintenance work orders, but to also track administrative projects. At any given time, they have over 350 distinct, ongoing projects – surplus property sales, lease amendments, and appraisal work just to name a few – that need to be managed. And they have achieved that with our AiM Work Management module. Each work order is built from a template outlining the necessary steps to complete a project while reinforcing CoLA's business processes and compliance with regulatory requirements. This centralized system facilitates immediate access to project history, project administrator, and current status. The Work Management Module paints a complete picture of activities involving over 500 City properties, with the ability to generate and analyze reports.
6. City of Los Angeles
Mission(s) Accomplished! Making the list twice, CoLA , also an AssetWorks 2019 Innovation Award Winner, created a template that allows the public to submit requests for information about filming on city-owned property. In other words, the entertainment industry is using our ReADY Request platform!
7. North Carolina State University at Raleigh
Mission Accepted! NC State needed to replace a manual, paper-based meter readings with a more automated approach. Leveraging our Go, AiM & IQ solutions for Maintenance Meter Readings, they were able to implement a fully automated process using AiM and GO mobile applications.
8. Florida State University
Image by FSU Photography Services
FSU was looking for a way to automate custodial inspection requirements – especially for repetitive tasks. Generating inspections can be an overwhelming effort if the things you are inspecting are not assets. Implementing our Business Automation platform (aka Action Codes), they were able to create a template to achieve this and ease their quarterly inspection process.
9. Auburn University
Looking for a way to streamline Inventory Management and minimize paper processes in their Warehouses, Auburn is utilizing their suite of AssetWorks products. with minimal configuration changes, they were able convert their entire Inventory Management processes to our Go Mobile applications. This enabled the Warehouse staff to better serve their customers via efficient Purchasing, Receiving, and Inventory Management.
10. Virginia Tech
VT wanted to see problematic trends and zero in on specific details of their transactional requests. Racing against the clock, they were able to implement a 50,000 square-foot view of their request data using our ReADY Request REST API that now allows them to see every detail of a particular request coming in for them.
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