The largest U.S. state by area, Alaska is roughly twice the size of Texas and one-fifth of the entire United States. Alaska’s Division of Facilities Services (DFS) maintains over 2,000 facilities (across 14 agencies) with a combined 19 million square feet of space and an overall replacement value of $8.6 billion! With great size, comes great responsibilities...
Join us at this year's AssetWorld 21: Mission Possible user conference to learn how the State of Alaska has conquered its deferred maintenance backlog with a statewide strategy. You won't want to miss Anna Harrison and Christopher Hodgin's presentation, "The State of Alaska Tackles Statewide Deferred Maintenance."
Session Description:
Historically, agencies within the State of Alaska managed maintenance of their own facilities independently using different systems. They also looked at deferred maintenance independently, which made it difficult to prioritize needs statewide using similar objective standards. Facing a substantial backlog, the state created a division to manage facilities maintenance statewide, and implemented a unified software solution, which provided a consistent framework for assessment, prioritization of needs and many other benefits.
Learning Objectives:
- Deferred Maintenance is not just a facilities problem, it impacts everyone using the facility.
- Capital Renewal is more complex than a single backlog number.
- Alaska faces challenges with Deferred Maintenance due to geographical concerns, weather implications, and lack of budget.
( Interested in seeing the rest of the schedule? )